Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Chinese tourist group to Israel leaves today

80 members of the first Chinese tourist group to Israel, organized by China Travel Service Head Office and China Youth Travel Service, will leave for Israel on Sept 25 and Sept 28, 2008 respectively.

This means the agreement between China and Israel about Chinese tourist group's travel to Israel has finally been implemented after one year's preparation.

"The agreement not only has great marketing potential, but also will promote the mutual understanding and cooperation between two countries," Barella, Israeli Tourism Minsiter, said in an interview.

She also mentioned about the safety of tourists. She said: "Safety is always the most important thing to be cared about for traveling in Israel. Israel is the most experienced country to deal with terrorism and to guarantee the safety of tourists. In addition, terrorist activities happened in Israel never aimed at foreign tourists. So, it is safe traveling in Israel."

By People's Daily Online

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